Change your Apex Legends Name if You've Already Used up your Free Name Change


Changing your Apex Legends name is an easy process, even if you've already used up your free name change. Here are the steps to follow:

Launch the game and log in to your account.

Click on the Settings icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Click on the Account tab.

Click on the 'About Me' section to open your profile.

Click on the pencil icon next to your current name.

Enter your desired new name and hit 'Save Changes.'

Pro Tip: You can change your name as often as you like, but each change will cost you 1,800 Apex Coins.

How to Change Apex Legends Name

Apex Legends is one of the most popular battle royale games out there and like all other games, players can customize their game profile with a name of their choice. However, there are certain limitations to the number of times a player can change their name. Understanding what these restrictions are can be helpful in determining when and how you should change your Apex Legends name.

How often can you change your name?

In Apex Legends, you can't change your name as often as you'd like because there are limitations to how frequently you can do so. If you've already used up your free name change or don't want to pay for additional changes, here are a few things to keep in mind:

- You can change your name for free the first time you update it.

- After your first free name change, each subsequent change will cost you 1,000 Apex Coins.

- Once you've changed your name, you'll have to wait at least 30 days before changing it again.

By being mindful of these limitations and coming up with a name that you'll be happy with for an extended ti...

When can you change your name?

You can legally change your name at any time, as long as it is for a legitimate reason and not to defraud or harm others. However, there are some limitations and legal procedures you need to follow when changing your name, such as obtaining a court order or a Marriage License.

In the case of changing your Apex Legends name, the game offers players one free name change, after which they must use in-game currency to change their name again. If you don't want to spend any currency, you can use symbols or numbers to create a new variation of your old name.

Pro Tip: Ensure to update your name on all official documents, such as your driver's license, passport, Social Security card, and other legal documents, to avoid any issues with identity verification.

What are your limitations for changing your name?

When it comes to changing your name, there are certain limitations that may apply depending on the situation. For example, if you have already used up your free Apex Legends name change, you may need to pay to change it again.

Here are some common limitations to keep in mind:

Legal Name Changes

If you want to legally change your name, there may be certain legal requirements you need to meet, such as providing a valid reason for the change or going through a court process.

Name Change Fees

Some organizations, like gaming platforms or social media sites, may charge a fee for changing your name after a certain number of times or after a certain period has passed.

Name Change Availability

If you want to change your name to a specific username or handle, you may find that it's already taken or unavailable.

It's important to research the limitations and requirements that apply to your specific situation before attempting to change your name. Pro tip: Keep in mind that using your real name can be more convenient and can help you build an online reputation for yourself.

Preparing to Change Your Name

If you have used up your free name change in Apex Legends and want to prepare to change your name, there are a few steps that you need to take. To prepare, you'll need to make sure your accounts are linked and understand the restrictions of the name change system. By taking the time to prepare, the process of changing your name in Apex Legends will be much smoother.

Brainstorming new name ideas

Trying to come up with a new name for yourself in Apex Legends or any other online platform can be daunting, but with these brainstorming techniques, you can find a name that truly represents you.

Here are some brainstorming tips to consider:



Identify your unique characteristics

Think about your personality, interests, and hobbies. This will help you come up with a name that is authentic to you.

Use online tools

Online name generators can offer unique and creative ideas that you may not have thought of before. There are many name generators available, such as Spinxo and Name Generator Fun.

Consider the game or community

Think about the game you are playing or the platform you are using. Consider choosing a name that ties into the game or community you are a part of.

Get feedback

Ask friends and family for their opinions on potential names, or post options in online communities to get feedback from a larger audience.

Remember to keep it appropriate and respectful, especially if you plan on gaming with a community.

Choosing a new name that reflects your personality and skill level

If you're feeling the need to change your Apex Legends username after using up your one-time, free name change, it's important to select a name that reflects your personality and skill level. Here are some helpful tips to guide you in the process:

1. Don't limit yourself:

Consider using a username that isn't directly related to your name or interests. This can allow you to be more creative and choose a name that stands out.

2. Keep it tasteful:

Avoid using offensive language or derogatory terms, as this can harm your reputation in the gaming community.

3. Showcase your skills:

Consider incorporating a reference to your favorite Legend or weapon, or use a name that alludes to your in-game accomplishments.

4. Consider your identity:

If you're comfortable sharing aspects of your identity with others, consider using a name that highlights your gender, ethnicity, or other aspects of your personality.

By following these tips, you can select a new Apex Legends username that reflects your personality and skill level, while also staying respectful and tasteful.

Checking if your new name is available

If you're planning to change your name on Apex Legends and have already used up your free name change, it's important to check if your desired new name is available before purchasing a new name change token.

To check if your new name is available, follow these steps:




Open Apex Legends and go to the lobby screen.


Click on the "Play" button and then select "Profiles" from the drop-down menu.


Click on the "Customize" button next to your current name.


Enter your desired new name in the text box provided and click on the "Save Changes" button.


If the name is available, you will see a green checkmark next to it. If the name is not available, you will see a red X next to it and will need to choose a different name.

Checking if your new name is available before purchasing a name change token can save you time and frustration, and ensure that you're happy with your new name in Apex Legends.

Changing Your Apex Legends Name

If you are an avid Apex Legends player and have already used your free name change, you may be wondering how you can go about changing your in-game name. Thankfully, there are a few easy steps that you can take to successfully change your name and keep your gaming experience fresh.

Read on to find out how you can change your Apex Legends name.

Step-by-step guide to changing your name on PC

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Step-by-step guide to changing your name on PlayStation

Changing your name on PlayStations can be done easily with the following steps:

1. Turn on your PlayStation and log into your account.

2. Go to the Settings option that is located in the upper horizontal menu.

3. Click on the Account Management option and select Account Information.

4. Choose Profile and select Online ID.

5. Enter a new Online ID and check if it is available or not.

6. Once you submit the new ID, you'll be given a prompt with a message that there is a fee to change your name.

7. Follow the prompts to pay for the name change.

8. Your new Online ID will start appearing on your PlayStation account once the process is complete.

If you're playing Apex Legends and you're looking to change your in-game name because you've already used up your free name change, follow these simple steps:

1. Open the Apex Legends game on your PlayStation and head to the lobby.

2. Go to the setting menu and select the Account option.

3. In the account's section, you'll see an option to change your name.

4. Enter your new display name and confirm the changes.

5. Your new name will start appearing in-game after a short while.

Pro Tip: Make sure to choose a name that suits your personality and style as it will be a part of your online identity.

Step-by-step guide to changing your name on Xbox

If you've used your free name change option in Apex Legends and want to change your name on Xbox, here's a simple step-by-step guide for doing so:

1. Press the Xbox button on your controller and navigate to the "System" tab on the left of the dashboard.

2. Select "Settings" and then "Personalization."

3. Choose "My Profile" and then "Customize Profile."

4. Select "Edit Name" and enter your desired new username in the box.

5. Review the Xbox terms of service for acceptable usernames and ensure that your new name meets those requirements.

6. Save your changes and exit the settings menu.

Pro tip: If your desired username is already taken, try adding numbers or changing the spelling slightly to make it unique.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Changing your Apex Legends name can be a tricky process and there are some common issues that players encounter when they’re trying to do it. This section will provide a detailed guide on how to change your Apex Legends name, as well as tips to help you troubleshoot common problems.

Let's get started.

What to do if your name change isn't working

If you're facing issues while changing your Apex Legends name or if you've already used up your free name change and want to change it again, follow these troubleshooting steps to resolve the issue:




Check your EA account - Make sure you're logged into the correct EA account and check if there are issues with your account, such as a ban or suspension.


Try a different name - The name you're trying to change to may already be taken. Try using a different name to see if that works.


Wait a few days - Sometimes the name change process may take a few days to take effect. Wait for a few days before trying again.


Contact customer support - If none of the above steps work, contact EA customer support for further assistance. They may be able to help you resolve the issue.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to change your Apex Legends name without any issues.

What to do if someone else has your desired name

If someone else has your desired name in Apex Legends and you've already used up your free name change, there are still a few options available to you to get that coveted username.

First, consider adding special characters or numbers to your desired name. You can get creative with changing certain letters to numbers or adding symbols to create a unique username that is still close to your original choice.

If that doesn't work, try contacting the owner of your desired username and politely ask if they would be willing to change their name. You can do this by viewing their profile and sending a friend request or direct message.

Finally, if all else fails, you can create a new account with your desired username. Keep in mind, however, that you will need to start from scratch with a new account and lose all of your progress and unlocked items.

Pro tip: Consider coming up with multiple usernames you like to avoid this problem in the future.

Common name change errors and how to fix them

One common error that gamers encounter when playing Apex Legends is running out of free name changes and wanting to update their username. Fortunately, the solution is simple.

Here are the steps to follow to change your Apex Legends name:




Open Origin, the gaming platform Apex Legends is played on.


Log in to your account and navigate to Account and Privacy settings.


Click on the "Edit" button next to "Basic Information."


Type in your desired new username and click "Save."

However, if you encounter issues while changing your username, such as the website crashing or an error message popping up, try clearing your browser cache and cookies, restarting your computer or device, or contacting the customer support team for assistance. Pro tip: It's always best to think through your username before creating it, as frequent name changes can be confusing for your gaming friends.

FAQs about Changing Your Apex Legends Name

Ever wanted to change your Apex Legends name but not sure how to go about it?

If you're one of the many players who have already used up their free name change, then this article is here to answer all your questions. Here, we'll explore all the frequently asked questions about changing your Apex Legends name and provide comprehensive explanations so you can make the best decision for your gaming needs.

How much does it cost to change your name?

Changing your name in Apex Legends after you've already used up your free name change requires a fee, although the amount varies depending on the platform and region.

Here are the estimated costs to change your name in Apex Legends:

Origin PC

$9.99 USD


$9.99 USD


$9.99 USD


$4.99 USD

These fees apply to each name change after the initial free change, so it's important to choose your new name carefully. Keep in mind that changing your name will not reset your game progress or statistics.

Pro tip: Consider using a free name change to test out a few name ideas before settling on one for the long term.

Can you change your name on mobile?

Yes, you can change your Apex Legends name on mobile if you've already used up your free name change. Here is how you can change your Apex Legends name on mobile:

1. Open the Apex Legends app on your mobile device and log in to your account.

2. Click on the Gear icon present in the top right corner of the screen.

3. Select Settings, and then click on the "EA account" option.

4. Tap on the "Edit" option next to your current Apex Legends name.

5. Enter your new desired name, and click on the "Save" button.

Note that changing your Apex Legends name will cost you in-game currency or real-world money after you've used up your free name change. It's also important to keep in mind that inappropriate names violate the game's terms and conditions and may result in a ban.

How long does it take for your new name to be updated in-game?

Once you have successfully changed your Apex Legends name, it generally takes around 10-15 minutes for the new name to be updated in-game. However, it's important to note that this timeline can vary and some players have reported experiencing delays of up to a few hours.

If you are experiencing an unusually long delay in the name update, there are a few things you can try:

  • Restart your game: Sometimes, restarting the game can help to speed up the name update process.

  • Wait it out: If all else fails, simply wait a little longer. In most cases, the name change will update within a few hours at most.

Pro tip:

Consider choosing a unique and memorable name that reflects your personality or gaming style. This can help you stand out in the game and make it easier for your teammates and friends to find and recognize you.

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